3 – 5 April, 2019
10 am – 3.30 pm
Explore the alchemy of watercolour; transforming a blank sheet of white paper into a glowing tulip that looks as if it could be plucked from the page. The workshop is being lead by botanical artist Mariella Baldwin who will help you develop your sense of colour mixing and matching using the finest watercolour paints. The course coincides with an exhibition of botanical paintings by Mariella Baldwin in the Gallery at Green and Stone.
You will be introduced to the Daniel Smith range of watercolour paints using some of their pure mineral colours and various other colour combinations to obtain some unexpected, delightful results. As tulips are bursting into life bringing a rich source of colours these will be a marvellous reference for colour mixing, transitions and colour harmony to create a shimmering painting.
The course is suitable for beginners and those wishing to develop their sense of colour.
All materials will be provided for this three day workshop. Students should bring an A3 folder to take their work home at the end of the course.
Students will receive a 10% discount on all purchases of art materials made in the shop during the course.
£450 to include all materials and refreshments and a light lunch
To reserve a place on the course please contact the Gallery @ Green and Stone
Please contact:
0207 – 352 – 0837
251-253 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6HY
‘In a utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairy tales should be respected. Our English red tape is too magnificently red ever to employed in the tying up of such trifles, but every one who has considered the subject knows full well that a nation without fancy, without some romance, never did, never can, never will, hold a great place under the sun.’
Charles Dickens.

Tulipa clusiana by Mariella Baldwin
from Far Fetched Botanicals; plants that have inspired Fairy Tales
‘And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.’
Roald Dahl.